This website is the official website of the Mailer’s Postmark Permit Club (“MPPC”). There are links to this website as well as references to the MPPC on the website of “The Olathe Poste,”, which is a commercial printing company operated by a former member of the MPPC, Bill Porter. Members of the MPPC and other users of this website are cautioned that despite representations to the contrary on the website of “The Olathe Poste,” Bill Porter is no longer a member in good standing of the MPPC and is not authorized to use a membership number of the MPPC.

The MPPC further cautions its members and other users of this website that any links to this website and any description of the MPPC on the website of “The Olathe Poste” are notauthorized by the MPPC. Further, the MPPC has no relationship or association with “The OlathePoste,” and the links or references to the MPPC on the website of “The Olathe Poste” are not to be construed as an endorsement or approval by the MPPC of any of the products sold by “The Olathe Poste.”